Living a meaningful and fulfilling life

We live life only but once. So in whatever things we do, listen to god's will, follow our heart, and do not be afraid to chase our dreams..........Amen........

Wednesday, February 27, 2008






Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who should one marries?

Why do some people find it difficult to cross over from courtship to marriage,
while others can't wait to cross over from courtship to marriage because of their age.
I think I belong to the group of minority of woman in their 30s who are not eager to move over from courtship to marriage, for whatever reasons, I'm still thinking about it.

Somebody told me that you should marry someone you can't live without, but you should not marry someone you can live with.
Without thinking, I know that he is someone I can live with, but the irony is also he is someone I can live without.
But as I ask my own heart, I begin to realise why I have made this choice in choosing a man.
I don't want to live in heartache, agony & pain one day if he's not around anymore, or our relationship doesn't work out because of some reasons.
I've heard of too many stories & experienced too much heartaches in the past that I would never have the courage to follow my own heart & chase what I want now.
I think I'm really quite a selfish person with regards to love actually.
I don't know whether he knows how my heart is feeling right now?
To him, am I also someone he can live with, but also someone he can live without.
But I guess for a guy, its a totally different issue afterall.

As I read back the entries written in my blog few months ago,
I realised that many months ago, I have actually lifted up all these issues onto god's altar and I actually prayed for something.
But now I'm so afraid that my prayers are slowly being answered, or are they not?
I wonder......Should I marry him? I'm already 32......I'm going through what E is going through few months ago......Oh god, please help me......

Monday, February 25, 2008

My teenage years

Just watch the movie "teenage textbook movie" & suddenly all those memories came back to me. My teenage years was like more than 15 years ago & everything seems so far away & seeing it through a veil. The memories are both bittersweet & heart-wrenching. Those years of innocence, shyness, fast-pace heartbeat & also fear, withdrawal, & sinking into sadness & depression. But I agree, love now will never be as pure & innocent as back then.

I could never forget how my fear of love & heart-break drove him away from my life after 1 week of orientation & fun & 3 months of being in the same school. I could never remember his name & how he looks like now, but I could still remember the long chats, long nights in school & long bus ride home. It was the 1st time somebody sent me home for my whole life. But I eventually turned a cold shoulder to our friendship because of my fear of falling in love & thus the possibility of a heart-break. My biggest fear then was actually falling in love & losing control of my own emotions & not being able to do any other things. Another biggest fear was also the possibility of a heart-break because I knew I was too young then. From then on, I keep the longest distance from guys & never believe in platonic friendship anymore for the rest of my teenage years.

Love back then was something that occurs only in my imagination & dream. I treasure it only in the various literary works that I wrote & the dreams that I dream. I never wanted it to become a reality because I don't believe I could ever find such love in real life. I wonders whether my growing up years have made me become what I am today & whether certain view of love still affect me sub-consciously as an adult today......

Sunday, February 24, 2008



















Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Threats And Warnings

How many warnings & threats would you face in your whole life?
I feel that one always faced threats in work-place,
but faced warnings in your own personal life.

Warnings are an expression of love; threats are an expression of control.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pursuit of Excellence

Is the pursuit of excellence so important?
Sometimes I wonder......

What is the cost you are willing to pay to be the best among the crops?
Sometimes I wonder......

If you do not reach the standard that other people set for you,
does it mean you are not good at all?
Sometimes I wonder......

If you do not get an A or A* in your exam,
does it mean you are not good at all or you just failed to perform on that day?
Sometimes I wonder......

The environment is already so stressful enough,
there is really no need to stress about 100% passing rate
or 100% A & A* again & again.
Even if there is no target set for us,
teaching is always a 良心的工作 for me.
I would always try to put in my best for them,
but also taking into account their mental, emotional & physical well-being.

I really don't want to see another one of them threatening to jump off from somewhere,
or leaving home & not coming back to school again.

(dedicated to all comperes working hard to reach the target.)

Of love & friendship

Although valentine's day is such a "commercialized" event nowadays, but I still feel very happy & excited on this day. It actually makes me feel how great it is to be loved by someone & to receive beautiful flowers & soft toy on this day.

I still remember on our 1st valentine day, I received a big bouquet of sunflower because it was what I wanted. On our 2nd valentine day, I received a big bouquet of red roses with 2 cute bears that said "muck, I love you" when they kissed each other. On valentine's day this year, I requested a watch as I find flowers not very practical. But in the end, I still got a watch, & a cute little pooh bear with 3 red roses attached. The bear & flowers were sent to my school, & every year, the school clerk would be busy going around delivering the flowers to respective teachers on valentine's day. It really shows how flowers are still the best gifts to touch a woman's heart, although some would prefer diamonds & crystals.

I crack my brain to think of a restaurant which is quiet & romantic & where not many people would go. In the end, I still choose back "coffee showcase" at katong there as not many people would know of that place. It was a great choice as the place is convenient for me, the food is value-for-money(but the chicken skin was terribly salty today & cannot be eaten), the ambience is great, & most importantly, there was no crowd. It had been a long time since we had private time for ourselves. ;)

As I "indulge" myself in this romantic atmosphere, I also started to drift off & started to think about friendship on this friendship day. For me, love & friendship are actually more important than kinship as I had never been close with my family emotionally, mentally & spiritually. Friends have always played an important part in my life in my past 29 years of single-hood. After I got attached, friends are also as important as my bf as they still fulfilled my emotional & mental needs sometimes. But nowadays, I find that I do not hold on to friendship as tightly as last time because I find that friends do actually drift apart sometimes & other new friends will come into your life to fill up their places. But nevertheless, I am thankful for all the friends I meet along my life's journey & for the support & company we provided each other.

As I rise up to become a cgc, I don't know whether I'm able to build & maintain friendship with my fellow members. Somehow, I find that everything needs time & I don't know whether we will break through each other's facade & get into each other's life, heart & mind. J seems so elusive, & V seems so cold & melancholic. Although they are just a phone call away, but I just strongly feel that conversing via the phone is not my way of building friendship. I just wish that god will show me a way. This is really a challenge to me. But I'm really thankful that god has brought me to E260. Because now, I have finally found true friends who are believers. I used to wonder why all my close friends are actually non-believers. But now I know why. It will be much more easier for me to reach out to those wondering souls out there in this "sinful" world.

Once again, happy valentine's day to all those lonely souls out there. I know how you feel as I have maintained my single-hood for 29 years. Just believe that one day, you will find your valentine too as age really doesn't matter as long as you wait patiently for him/her to appear.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A timely message

As valentine day draws near, the sermon heard at church last sunday really touches everybody's heart in one way or another .

I have read the whole book of Genesis before but have never really remembered this story or put much meaning into it. The story of the sermon is taken from Genesis 38 & its about Judah & Tamar. Go read it if you have time.

Yes, I find that women are really much stronger than man emotionally & mentally. If men do not take responsibility or do not want to lead, women will be forced into desperation & will be able to do all sorts of things. But by then, it will really be a very sad situation, a situation where there is no road for turning back & no way for redemption.

As I look at F's marriage, I really feel sad for her. Although she can earn lots & lots of money, she can't find true happiness in other areas of her life. Which woman will want to support a husband who is so "weak" & does not want to stand up? Which woman will want to be more capable & successful than her man? Yes, if given a choice, woman will still want the man to be the leader & to provide support to her, not lean entirely on her. J, what's the use of going to church every weekend, praying, etc. when you don't do anything to change your own life & foolishly believe miracles will happen.

As valentine day draws near, let us reflect on the true meaning of love & marriage.




   不久前报章报道:有位中四学生在上课时听MP3播放机,老师当场加以没收,该学生指着老师鼻子质问,用粗活辱骂她。该学生索回播放机不果,便强抢过老师 的手提袋翻找,粗话连连。四天后,老师据情报案,学生被控上法庭。近日该学生在法庭认罪时,法官要他写信给老师,训示他:




   不过,严师年代毕竟已成为历史,我们自诩告别了贫困、愚昧与蛮横,要同第一世界争锋,事事讲求优雅,诉之文明。教育是塑造国民性前哨站,因此学校得放下 鞭子,推崇“爱的教育”,努力实现“一个都不能少”的教育理念。学生永远是个孩子,一个孩子能有多坏,教育工作者只要能付出爱心与关怀,顽石都能点头。君 不见媒体上经常有浪子回头还成材的经典报道,既宽慰了家有劣子的父母,也给校长老师当头棒喝――世界上没有不受教的学生,只有拒绝付出的老师!


   2008年伊始,中国教育界发生“杨帆门事件”,引发重大论争。北京政法大学杨帆教授由于逃课学生太多,下令关上教室大门,门外学生不服而踢门,杨教授 还因此同班上女生发生言语与肢体冲突。公众对此事件的反应是两个极端,有人猛批学生不尊师重道,学风荡然无存;有人则力挺学生,抨击教授的野蛮与专制。

   有个学生在网上贴了一则留言说:“老师你凭什么育人啊?一破教书匠你又凭什么来教育学生呢;我交钱了,教室就是我的地盘,我想怎样就怎样,谁也没有权力 管我,男老师碰我就是殴打学生,女老师碰我就是性骚扰我!”另有老师就此发表“逃课,是学生的自由”宣言,石破天惊地宣称他的课绝对自由解放,学生可以 “带零食来吃”、“可以睡觉”;学生可以“自由进出,可以随时退席,可以逃课,不需请假”。




(Very interesting. Can I sue my students too?)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

An eventful 4 days of CNY.

The four days of CNY flew by quickly,
but I enjoyed myself tremendously.
I used up all my time & energy to meet up with friends,
fellowship with believers,
& also to add nutrition to my heart, soul & mind.
How I wish that one day, the workweek will be change to 4 days & 3 days of weekends.
In this way, we will have more time for those people who really matters most in our life.

I had reunion dinner with my family at bliss garden on CNY's eve.
The food was quite nice & little yang & cousins add joyfulness to the whole event.
Although our hearts are still not close to each other,
the effort made to stay together was enough, I guess.
It was also a surprise that P & her family were just sitting beside us,
and it was quite fun getting to know each other's family.
CNY is always a joyful event & an excuse to stay out & stay up late.
Hence, after reunion dinner, C & I went to watch movie with E260 members.
Although the movie was not my choice of movie,
I look forward to the time spent with fellow members.
That night, I retire at 4am, but was still able to wake up at around 11am the next day.

I had a sumptuous lunch of steamboat, curry, etc. on the 1st day of CNY.
All my relatives came to my grandmother's house, so there was no need for me to go out.
I just laze around at home, watching tv & drama series.
In the evening, I had dinner at C's house & then went to S's house for visitation.
It had been ages since I last saw S's sister & they hadn't change much.
I have always been very close with S, & always feel very comfortable with her family.
I really feel grateful that we can still maintain such close contact after she has her own family.

The 2nd day of CNY was a day of free museum entrance & feeding of food to my heart & soul.
Its really great that we don't have to pay to view all the exhibitions in SAM & National Museum.
We went to view all the exhibitions in SAM & the greek exhibition & history gallery in National Musum.
I find that I still love paintings more than sculptures & "stones" actually.
If I have time, I can spend the whole day sitting in front of paintings that I like, & just let my thoughts & soul drift away with the painting & enter into a world far far away from the real world. I may even meet the painter in a surreal world......haha.....
Of course, I still like the greek exhibition, but I couldn't really enjoy with so many people crowding around me.
I love greek history & if I have time, I will read up on it one day & go to greece itself one day.
In the evening, I arrange a cell CNY gathering at my house & I'm quite surprised so many people turn up.
But building of friendship takes time & effort. So I really pray that I will continue to have passion in people & really takes an interest in their life & be part of their life.

On the 3rd day of CNY, I transported myself to the world of korean drama,
finding it hard to get out & go to Su's house alone.
But nevertheless, I feel that it may be a great chance to get to know Su & her family.
Everything turned out great as I chat with Su, her relatives & father, & also played bridge with her nephews, uncles & aunties.
What a happy & united extended family she has.
But somehow, being too fortunate may be her barrier to having a need & desire for god.
In the evening, I went to C's house again to have dinner as her mother cooks specially for me.
After that, Su & I went to S's house again & we have fun playing poker card.
I realised that Su really has a good heart as she doesn't feel happy winning more that 10 bucks as she said that if she wins, her friends are actually the one who loses & will not be happy.

It was church as usual on the 4th day of CNY.
Pastor preach a very good message which I feel really impacted everyone in different ways.
I was actually feeling angry and disappointed with C. I don't know when this vicious cycle of disappointment & expectation will end.
But somehow I still feel bad after having such feelings and thought towards him. I don't know whether the problem lies with my emotions or his behaviour.
Hence, after church, I refuse to join him & his friends & went to Simpang bedok hawker centre to eat with fellow members instead.
Luckily, the delicious & fragrant ayam penyet washes away my anger & disappointment.
After that, I had wanted to go home to do my own things & spend time with myself,
but Sa asks me to join her friends for ktv unexpectedly.
This leads to an afternoon of listening to someone sing mainly Zhang's songs.

All well's that ends well. I met up with C & his frens V & J after ktv.
I had a great time knowing about branded stuff like prada, LV, Gucci, Coach, etc. from V although I would never buy such stuff even now that I could afford it.
V has become more & more good-looking & stylish, but it has also become more & more difficult for him to find his significant other half, soul-mate, etc.
I trash out some of my frustration with C & I really pray that I will have the heart & desire to get married & settled down although until now I still have doubt whether he's the one.
Yah, nobody can tell me whether he's the one. Nobody, nobody, nobody......
That's a woman's heart, like a needle in the sea, lost in the deep abyss.

4 days of intense fun & enjoyment. Now I'm feeling feverish, tired, limbs aching, & a bit giddy.
I guess that I'm falling sick......But I guess that after eating the medicine, I will feel much better.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

A burdened heart 加一颗受伤的心

As I rise up to become a CGC,
& as I began to play a part in other believer's life,
I start to realise that not many people are as happy, as fortunate & as lucky as they seems.
I also start to question why, how they can live their life in long suffering, falling into deep deep valley & climbing out of it again.
I have never fall so hard before, & I don't want to fall so hard.
But I feel so saddened by their dramatic life & sometimes I do question how much can god help them.
But nevertheless, we must still believe that even if prayers are not answered, there is a purpose in every misfortune, & god has a different plan for everyone.
C'est La Vie.



Living among men & living with god in my heart.

"Living for God’s approval is better than living for man’s applause."
This is yesterday's ODB message for me.
But sometimes, I really wonder whether god approve of what I am doing everyday & what I am doing right now. I really don't know.
But as I get more confused, more busy & more burdened in my heart, I can only learn to pray more & lean more on him......