Living a meaningful and fulfilling life

We live life only but once. So in whatever things we do, listen to god's will, follow our heart, and do not be afraid to chase our dreams..........Amen........

Thursday, July 31, 2008



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The joy of having children? I wonder......

My niece "fat mei mei", Shixuan, Isabelle.

My nephew Yang Yang, Jonathan & her new-born sister(1st photo).

Raising the birth rate in S country has become a national issue again & everybody is talking about it. But this is not something so simple as it involves finding love & marriage for those "unfortunate" busy singles, the rising cost of living in S country, & the crazy work-life in this crazy society. All these are not changeable by a helpless human being & individual like us.

But I'm really quite amused that having children can be a national issue. However, they can implement whatever measures they want, but the citizens will just treat it as an after coffee talk & not do anything to support these measures. Its our own life ok, & the 1st person you need to influence to make her change her mind about having children is me.

Sometimes, I do feel bad about making this internal vow about not having children & I wonder what will happen if I really want a child next time. As a christian, I should not be thinking this way because children are actually blessings from god & in the past, god punishes women by making them barren.

Of course I know what the joys of having children are. I currently have 3 cute nephews & nieces & two of them are being looked after my mum currently. I have been carrying them, playing with them, reading to them since 4 years ago when my nephew was born. They are really an added joy to my daily routine & hectic worklife. However, all these are only limited to spending time with them & loving them. I really don't have the ability & responsibility of looking after them for their wholelife, & I'm glad they still have their parents.

I don't know why, but as I stay longer in this profession, my desire of having children keeps plunging, plunging, plunging. And sad to say, I don't have much desire in the 1st place. I just find the opportunity costs & sacrifices too high for me to bear. I also find it very sad to bring them into this future society & this future world.

不孝有三,无后为大。I don't really agree with this anymore. Sometimes the burden of looking after the child & raising the child has been shifted to the older parents who do not even have a chance to enjoy their freedom in old age. It is also physically tiring looking after a kid. Hence, I find that giving birth & asking parents to look after can be deem more unfilial.

Of course, whenever I look at the cute photos above, I am also really afraid that I will regret & not be able to turn back the clock in future. But I believe if I continue to love myself & love others & find meaning in life, I won't regret this decision afterall......

Monday, July 28, 2008













Sunday, July 27, 2008

Aerin's-Dessert to die for

Bangers & Mash

Warm Chocolate pudding

Apple Pie

Saturday evening, with C still in Malaysia, I arranged a last minute gathering with YS & HX as only both of them are able to make it last minute.

I had intended to go purvis street to try the thai food at first, but in the end, we choose to have dinner at basement of raffles city as it is more convenient & I prefer to have dinner at a more cozy, cooling & romantic place tonight.

Aerin's is a restuarant with very nice architectural design, a water fountain in the center of the resturant & very nice ambience & candle-light. Its a long time since I indulge myself in western food & desserts. I still love eating western food once in a while, & will never get tired of western dessert. HX & YS ordered the signature dish "fish & chips", while I ordered "bangers & mash"(one of my favourite dish of all time). We chatted & eat the main course for nearly 2 hours before we decided to order the dessert. The apple pie is one of the "must try" dessert, but I prefer the warm chocolate pudding with the ice-cream on top. The filling of the apple pie is a bit too sour for me & I don't like it.

The cost of the dinner came up to nearly S$30 per person. Not too x & not too cheap. But I guess I will not try it as often as coffee club which is abit cheaper & have the best dessert & drinks in Singapore too. And also not forgetting to mention "coffee showcase" in katong area.

Desserts & chocolate, the way to a woman's heart & soul, the way to calm a woman's heart & soul......

Friday, July 25, 2008

Controversial views on CHC & NCC

While I was searching on the new album from CHC, I found many forums & blogs on the internet "discussing" about the various mega-churches in Singapore. However, I just feel that everybody is subject to their own views, but nevertheless must be responsible for whatever they said in the future.

Some things may not be what other people say, what you hear from others, or what you see on the surface. Hence, you must experience it yourself & made your own judgment.

There is a particular blog that offers more objective views on this issue of mega-churches & also many theological view on christianity. I have yet to finish reading all the entries on this blog. Would like to share with all my friends out there.

Somehow I feel the existence of all these blogs can be a double-edged sword. When you blog in this virtual world, what you say or do is not a secret anymore.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

没有KPI - 丹女

她终于告别努力了3年的工作,正式进入没有KPI的日子。在政府部门,KPI真是让人头疼的东西。Key Performance Index,用于测量各个部门在不同方面的表现。其实,她在上班的时候,也不是真的有什么KPI,或许说有,但她总是认为我就专心做好该做的,KPI 达到就达到,达不到就达不到,难道杀头吗?


   她就经常认为:KPI这东西最多适合衡量那些销售、赞助等与财务有关的作业。像今年的赞助额达到多少,今年的销售量有多高等等。就算是这样的数额也会达 到饱和点,不可能只升不降。KPI的问题就是,它永远要你比过去的数额高。或许说,个人永远会为了私己的利益,而要求它比去年高,不然怎么升值加薪,怎么 向老板交待?因此有些时候,与其花时间解释为什么数额不比去年高,不如在数字方面做一些适度的调整。这当然使得数字失去了它的意义和作用,沦为个人或机构 的工具罢了。而像教育、艺术这种十年树木、百年树人的工作,又岂能用数字来衡量?

  作为博物馆,如果要门庭若市,很简单。只要搞一些大家 都喜欢看的表演、舞会、夜间活动、明星艺人、免费礼品,馆内的参观人数探测器肯定便会忙不过来。但是这样年年增加的数字真的代表了什么吗?关心历史文化的 人多了?参观画展的人多了?对东南亚艺术有兴趣的人多了?理解新加坡和亚洲文化的人多了?就未必吧。不是说这些活动不好,她也喜欢HIP、HIP的博物 馆,但如果要用数字来代表什么,来显示问题又是两回事。所以,数字在这里实在是用来装潢罢了,用来点缀罢了。

  她的朋友是教师。不久前随 团到北欧学校参观学习,说是想了解当地如何鼓励创意,让北欧的发明、设计等走在时代尖端。朋友说:一群校长老师们在学习汇报时,都表示欣赏北欧学习制度的 自由,让学生在没有沉重压力的情况下,没有歧视并容许失败的环境里成长。但话音一转,又来批评北欧的学校没有KPI,不够制度化……朋友说,她当时就认 为,为什么大家把事情分开来讲,难道没有发现,北欧的创意风气不是教出来的吗?难道没有发现这样的环境其实不可能只局限于学校里面,而必须有整个政府、社 会、家庭、个人的贯彻吗?怎么可能学校的老师都被制度、教条、KPI绑在那里,学生却可以自由自在地发展呢?


   她想:往往都是这样。一个制度跑久了,就成了有生命的怪兽机器。这个怪兽机器不管你怎么样要改变它里面的哪一个机件,它都已经是环环相扣,每一个机件互 相依赖的怪兽机器了。它只能往那个注定的方向跑,如果你照顾它,它可以跑得久一些。但如果你要放弃这个原有的方向,与其改装这个机器,或许你就得考虑毁掉 这个怪兽了……

(I am also being tied down in C3's, S & the whole society's terrible systematic process. A free-spirited soul, being captured by the system monster, imprisoned for 32 years already. When will this soul finally be free......????)

The other boleyn girl

I have been watching quite many drama series, movies on almost every weekday night for the past few months(stubbornly refusing to mark the worksheets & compositions that I brought home). I think I prefer watching shows in the comfort of my home, & according to my own speed, rather than spending $10 to watch it in the cinema.

I have come to realize that I watch shows for the story-line, for the thought-provoking, heart-warming, & spiritually lifting feeling & also for relaxation & entertainment. As such, there is really not much difference whether I watch it on a big big screen in the cinema or watch it on my small screen at home.

I have been wanting to write about the above show after I came back from taiwan in June. I managed to catch half of this movie on the plane back from taipei, & the other half on the internet(managed to find it on my favourite movie website).

After various searches on this show on the internet, I find that it did not have quite a good review. But I like it nevertheless. Its really quite a sad show with a tragic ending. All those love, hatred, unscrupulous fighting only results in death & loneliness for those still living.

I love the drama, I love the costumes, I love the "wildness", I love the different kinds of feelings portrayed in this show.

And in the end, I learn that those who fight for power, fight for position, covets for more money & affection are only falling into a deep, bottomless abyss that they cannot get out of.

And the morale of the story is that when you live according to your heart, when you are true to yourself, when you don't covet for things that doesn't belong to you, when you just let nature takes its course, you wouldn't be heading for the road of no return & destruction.

Sunday, July 20, 2008





Thursday, July 17, 2008



   你知道收拾了,你就远离这个地方。和这些人的关系就远了,淡了。久而久之,你们都将忘记彼此,忘记曾经存在的一切。尤其是在这样的社会,这样的环境,这 样的速度,有谁为谁停留一下?有谁为谁保留一点真诚?没有。真的没有。所以那天当第一个同事告诉她会想念她时,她愣了一下。她心里想:是真的吗?是客套话 吗?她好不容易才从齿缝间挤出一句:“我也会想念你。”然后,她觉得自己很恶心。

  后来又有同事这样告诉她:“我们会想念你。”结果她真 的回答说:“真的吗?”毫不犹豫地反问。同事的脸上有错愕的表情。想念要费力气。遗忘不费吹灰之力。你忙着忙着,就什么都可以忘记。生活将推着你向前,根 本不让你有机会喘息,又何来机会想念?如果你想念着我,我又把你给忘在脑后,那我也会内疚的。不如都忘了干净。干干净净让每个人都过上新生活……

   收拾的时候,也是她停下脚步的时候。周围的人都忙忙碌碌,只有她坐在那里收拾,慢慢地收拾。然后事情总会那样,从哪个抽屉的角落,她发现了一张当年谁寄 来的卡片。从哪个文件夹的一处,掉落一张变了色的照片,上面是她当年合作无间的同事的影像,还有年轻了几岁的她。她们已经将彼此遗忘。她们都过上了没有交 叉点的新生活。

  这种时候,她会愣在那里一阵子。想想生命真叫人心酸。都这么不着痕迹的过去了。生活还真像个centrifugal machine(离心沉降机)。以前她念大学的时候做实验,就用这个机器把悬浮在液体里的粒子分出来。那个机器转呀转呀,最后下面都是粒子沉淀物,上面出 现了干净的液体。她的生活便是经过这么几转,结果把朋友们都转掉了,剩下干干净净的自己。

  其实她是个戏剧化的人。一边收拾,她一边 想掉泪;一边反问“真的吗?”一边眼眶发红。也不为谁,也不为自己,就为生命的轻飘飘。她喜欢剧场里的独白,尤其喜欢那种像是从心底深处发出来的声音。那 天她就在天台的月光下,自己来了段独白。“你知道我在想念你吗?你知道过了这么多年,我仍然想念你吗?”


(Through all these years, I have also learn not to look back & leave any feeling or memory behind & just look forward to whatever adventure & friendship that I will encounter in the future. The past is just the past, what is important is the present, that's why its called the "present".)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008







Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Facade of life - what is reality?

Life is a facade, some things are not what it seems.

A friendly face, a warm smile,
but what is hidden behind the various faces,
what is hidden deep down inside the heart?
Our friendship may just be only a facade,
causing us to drift further away from each other.

A wall build between us, an unfriendly face,
but once the wall is broken down,
a true & genuine heart lies deep within,
& our friendship wil grow & blossom from this moment on.

Do you want to just live life as a facade?
Or do you want to know the reality, reveal your true self,
& build a deeper relationship with human beings, not only with god.
Even if you gets hurt in the process, god will surely heal your broken heart.

I'm tired of living life as a facade......
I'm tired of building a facade relationship......
I want to build something that is deep & meaningful,
something that will touch my heart & soul, & lift me uphigh into the sky......

(Argh, some self muttering that results in a terrible poem.....)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

God works through people, not system.

Yesterday, I learnt at C1 that God works through people, not system.

Hence, no matter how efficient & effective a system is, if there is no good & inspiring leadership, the whole organisation will fail afterall as people are angry & demoralized & not motivated.

The other way round, even if a system is not in order, as long as there is a great man of god & people leading the organization, god will work a way out & everything will falls in place afterall.

This makes me think of C3, an organization which emphasizes alot on systems & processes, but is not getting the desired result. I believe it must have something to do with the leadership, who refuse to admit their own mistakes afterall......

This makes me ponders again whether I should stay or leave next year......Facing that bunch of xxxx, I'm not myself anymore, & I hate it & its really affecting how I see myself......

I can feel that I'm a candle, slowly burning out its light & passion. 70% of me is staying in this line now because of the money & bonuses. If C succeeds one day, I believe I will call it quits & not bother about those bunch of xxxx anymore......

Tuesday, July 08, 2008





Monday, July 07, 2008








Its a pink Monday (粉红色星期一)

Today is a pink Monday(its not blue, hehe) for me, as it is a school holiday, & I don't have to subject myself to mountains of work & classes of screaming kids. I have already made a vow to myself not to work during days when I'm not in school. This is to maintain a sound mind & to get the priorities in my life right. Life is short, & thus the priorities in my life right now are as follow:

Number 1- God & only him alone.
Number 2- Boyfriend, future husband & family.
Number 3- All my true friends & those who made effort to maintain contact & build relationship with me.

I'm really glad that despite growing older in age, I still have many friends whom I can look for & go out with despite their commitments with work & family. Today, I went out with SW(who is married with a boy) & SL(who is still single). We went for a 1-1 lunch buffet at Orchard Hotel. It was of course a sumptuous meal & I enjoy our conversations very much as I got to learn about how other people in this world live their life & even subject themselves to certain kind of relationship & marriage life. Our conversations are fun, intellectual, sentimental & gossipy at the same time. When a group of Ts get together...........hahaha.

As I finish my day shopping alone at square 2 & buying a book & a gift, I start to think about some friends & some kind of friendship in my life. Something that Pastor said about friends still entrenched itself deep in my mind. And that is some friends are just "Friends of Convenience".

Now I understand why some flames of friendship will slowly die off & friends will slowly drift apart after they are not in the same organization or same social group. Many friends in our life are just friends of convenience. Once both of you are not in the same organization, not in the same kind of environment & circumstances, you won't contact each other anymore, you won't put in effort to meet up & maintain the relationship anymore.

And thus I find myself very blessed that I still have around 5-10 friends whom I can really count as my true friends, as both of us put in effort to meet up & maintain this friendship & I believe I can still count on them in whatever situations.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Disappointments in life

I find that after becoming a Christian, I have been more able to deal with disappointments in life and that I have been able to let go of many griefs & hurts in my life. I also do not yearn for recognition from man anymore & that I have more faith in myself & is not afraid of standing up for righteousness even if that means offending certain people & "spoiling" my own reputation.

Hence, when Pastor Mike came to preach again today, I can feel that my heart is quite empty & light as I do not have many issues & burdens that I need to lift up to god anymore. However, at the end of his preaching, when he told us to really open our heart again & to think about issues of disappointment in life, I start to think of 3 friends who have really disappointed me in the past 2 years. Ironically, we are all people of the same faith. As I think back of how close we used to be & how far apart we are drifting now, I just feel a sense of helplessness & nothing more, nothing less. Right now, I only pray that god will be able to get back for me what belongs to me & as for our friendship, I just lift it up into our father's hands......




