Living a meaningful and fulfilling life

We live life only but once. So in whatever things we do, listen to god's will, follow our heart, and do not be afraid to chase our dreams..........Amen........

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Teaching with Passion

I told the wind
That I have never been
On top of the highest mountain,
To feel the greatest sense of accomplishment.

Wind invited me to close my eyes
And it lifted me into the sky.
I remembered that I felt light
And I felt free.

It was a good feeling-
I felt my weariness fleeing.
I was just floating up
Towards the mountain top.

I was expecting a wondrous view
Of vegetation rich and green.
I was expecting Nature
To present itself as a lovely picture.

But when I finally got there,
My heart sank as I stared-
Beyond the whiteness of the snow,
There was little Nature could boast of or show.

Wind caressed me.
He told me I should try to feel and see,
Beyond the snow and coldness,
So that I could appreciate Nature’s true loveliness.

I returned to the classroom and my students,
Where at times teaching has lost its charm and radiance.
Wind went past the window and whispered
‘Remember that once you were an enthusiastic Teacher.’

And he asked me to close my eyes,
Suddenly I saw unfolding pictures in the eyes of my mind.
I saw a teacher passionate about his teaching,
And his students were most excited about learning.

I saw myself taking care of self
So that I could give of my best.
I saw how teaching with my heart, I could inspire
My students to learn beyond what was required.

I felt their love for the subject and for me
I thanked Wind for reminding me to be,
A special teacher doing his part,
And not lose the passion and the heart.

I should continue to make my subject come alive,
And aim to nurture keen learners with bright eyes,
Students who not only come to love the subject I teach
But have school experiences to treasure and to keep.

Teachers’ Day is a special day
when every literate person would choose different ways
to remember teachers who have touched their lives;
to thank these who have given them wings to fly.

Wings for flying to scale the Ladder of Literacy,
Wings to fly out of the Captivity of Poverty,
Giving each the ability to feed the mind with Fruits of Wisdom
And become men and women who can truly enjoy Freedom.

Freedom from lack of self-confidence,
Liberating the mind from the self deception
that makes one doubt one’s own talent, and the ability
to have control over one’s achievement and destiny.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006







Monday, August 14, 2006


