Living a meaningful and fulfilling life

We live life only but once. So in whatever things we do, listen to god's will, follow our heart, and do not be afraid to chase our dreams..........Amen........

Wednesday, April 30, 2008








整个演唱会都处在高潮中,没有半点冷场。阿信所写的每一首歌都是经典,能够在人生的不同阶段中,不同的境遇中,感动着不同身份与年龄的人。当沸腾的情绪开始降温后,人类脆弱与感性的一面渐渐显露了出来。我第一次听到了“九号球”,“一千个世纪”与“洋葱”这几首慢歌,不过我竟然感动得差点流泪了。“九号球”道出了人生中的起起落落与成败得失,“洋葱”道出了一个暗恋者内心深处的情感与脆弱,“一千个世纪”则利用人类几万年的历史来刻画一段刻骨铭心的感情。阿信的人文修养一定很深厚,才能够写出这么多首动人心弦的歌曲。你是最棒的,阿信!!!I LOVE YOU.........太帅了。


Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a day......

Its been a long time since I blog about more relaxing stuff. There have been too many thoughts on my mind everyday of my life. But today was a really enjoyable day where I had a great time catching up with qq, & L, watching the type of lifestyle one should enjoy when one become rich, & also releasing all my emotions & energy at mayday's concert.

In the late morning, 3 enthusiastic gals were getting ready ready to sing their hearts out at Kbox Marine Parade. But to their great surprise, Kbox is not there anymore......What a funny incident it was actually, since none of us thought of calling to ask & none of us actually thought that it will close down one fine day. We had been faithfully going to this Kbox for the past few years & never expected any changes in the near future. I was not really disappointed since parkway was just nearby & we can go shopping, have lunch & catch up with one another. The loss of not being able to sing was compensated by the so fresh & sweet sashimi we had at sakuraya supermarket. The aftertaste of the the sweetness of the salmon & swordfish still lingers on my tongue until now. How great life is........hahahaha.....

Later on in the afternoon, I went to boat asia exhibition with C since A gave us 2 free tickets. What an eye-opener experience it was for me. We brush shoulders with all kinds of rich people from all over the world. I believe that there are many more rich people in Singapore but most of them won't know how to spend their money & enjoy this kind of lifestyle. Most of the rich people in Singapore are just obsessed with earning more & more money & would find buying a yacht a real waste of money. But for C & I, this would be the kind of lifestyle we would lead if we really become a millionaire one day. No cars for us, but give us yachts please......;P I'm tired of living on land, I would like to have a taste of life on the wide, open, deep blue sea......

After going for the boat asia exhibition, I also learn that there is a tiny island called keppel island where all the yacht & boats are being parked.

I had intended to go explore vivo-city after that but I had no time. I have only explore the basements, 1st & 2nd floor of that Vivo this whole year. I must really shop beyond the 2nd floor on May 1st after the chill-out event. Page-one bookshop, wait for me......

Ahhhhh, let me reveal to you the highlight of the day.......And that is Mayday's concert at Singapore indoor stadium. What an exhilarating experience we had at the concert. I only sat down for half hour, & after that, we just stand, sing, shake, dance, & scream for the rest of the 3 hour. And I thought I just love their sentimental & rock songs, but I also love the lead singer, Ah talented can a guy get......
We really let free, let loose, let our hair down, & release all our emotions......
Will write a chinese blog entry about their concert soon.......Wait patiently.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008




昨天我们大家在老师购买的高级公寓“The ICON” 那儿度过了一个美好的下午。老师,学生,家长就好像朋友一样,一边享受美食,一边沉醉在优美的环境中,一边畅谈学校里所发生的是是非非。试问有多少舞蹈老师愿意与别人分享他们公寓里的设施,愿意花这样的时间去与小朋友们建立感情呢??





Wednesday, April 09, 2008







C1's "Thinking with Excellence" vs C2's "Pursuit for Excellence".

When I heard that Pastor was going to preach a message about "EXCELLENCE", my whole heart sank deep into the ocean. This is the extent to which I have become so phobic about the word "EXCELLENCE". I have seen so many people & organization going to the extreme about pursuing excellence, till it become a perfectionist attitude. I have seen so many people sacrificing health, time & relationship so that they can pursue excellence, pursue success. I have been thinking for so many years, are all these sacrifices worthwhile anyway?

But thank god, at the end of the message, I finally realized a big difference between C1 & C2's attitude towards pursuing excellence. Let me list down the 10 differences in attitudes.

C1 vs C2

(1) Liberty(Gal.5:13) vs Laws
(2) Service(Matt.20:25-26) vs Systems
(3) Spirit-centered(Zecha 4:6) vs Self-centered
(4) Love(2 Tim 1: 6-7) vs Legalism.
(5) Faith vs Fear
(6) Concern vs Control
(7) Devotion(exo.17:12) vs Duty
(8) Giving(2 Cor.9:6) vs Getting
(9) Example vs Explanation
(10) Breakthrough vs Bondage

Now I know why I will think with excellence & pursue excellence for C1, but definitely definitely not for C2. Goodbye, C2, you can draw up whatever big plans you like, but I won't be involved anymore. Goodbye......Our 23 years "affinity" will end soon......

About procrastination

It is amazing how procrastination really penetrates into every area of our life. Even my writing of this blog took 2 weeks to finally take place. I must really pray & reflect on the sermon that I heard 2 weeks ago again.

The sermon started with a few "waking-up" quotes "To get where you want to go in life, you must start where you are.", "Decisiveness is the quality to bring change.".

Many people procrastinate because the task is overwhelming, they are fearful of the unknown, or because of pure laziness. They feel that they are still young, there is no hurry or urgency.

These are the few areas of my life that I must take good care of & should not procrastinate anymore. They are : Health, Ability, Relationships, Vision, Emotional life, Spiritual life, & thought life. I can't agree with them more. Ironically, all these have nothing to do with work.

The 9 steps to overcome procrastination are as follows:
(1) Activate my planner.
(2) Break large tasks.
(3) Create dead-lines.
(4) Deal with mess.
(5) Encourage myself.
(6) Face my fears.
(7) Goals Review.
(8) Hang on, don't give up.
(9) Initiate Now.

Job 8:7 says "
And though you started with little, you will end with much.
" This is the compound-interest theory too. The very little things we do everyday in our life will slowly build up into a hugh mountain in our life-time. So what are we investing our time & energy into everyday of our life? This is a question everybody should ponders about......

The story of Samson in Judges Chap. 13-15 also serves as a reflection to our everyday's life. What is the "hornets' sting"(indulgence) in our life that we can't let go of & would lead us to a tragic end one day? Is it work, I wonder?

God touch my heart that day & I really believe I can do great things through his strength & vision. But somehow I'm still procrastinating & refusing to get out of my comfort zone. Instead, I'm hardening my heart to all those ambiguous things around me for the sake of money. But I know there are more meaningful things that I can do in this short lifetime & in this world. God, please stop me from procrastinating anymore.

Friday, April 04, 2008








(好喜欢这篇文章,就把它转载在我的博客。我也正要写一篇有关改变,惧怕与拖延的文章。Its about change, fear & procrastination.)

Crazy 1.5hr journey on night bus NR7 & 2N

I tried the night bus 2N back from esplanade last night. It was a crazy 1.5hr journey with the bus taking the longest route I could never imagine. I seemed to be taken on a tour of Singapore's town area & tampines area. Am I a tourist or what?

There's only economical value in the eyes of the bus company & common folks like us would have to sacrifice our time just to save a mere $10? Its already night time rite. Why don't the company creates a few more routes & let the bus takes the expressway so that we could be sent home as fast as possible as we are tired.

It was the same experience the other time taking NR2, & NR7 from tiong bahru. The waiting time for both buses was crazy. It took us a total of 2.5 hrs to get home.

This would be my last time taking both buses. I would rather spend an additional $10 to take a cab home. My time is worth more than $10 per hour loh......

But I guess the best solution would be not to be a night owl. As I grow older, I would prefer to sleep early & wake up early. Staying up late is not the cup of tea for me now. I have change a lot in my lifestyle as time goes by......